Savage/Goodner Camp 1513
Savage/Goodner Camp 1513

. . Sometime during the War Between the States a group of Federal soldiers forded the Caney Fork at Holmes Creek. It was a difficult crossing, and some of them almost drowned. When they reached the other side, they were greeted by John Bond's teen-aged daughter, who yelled at them from her front porch, "Hurrah for Jeff Davis." Irritated, they yelled back at her, "Hurrah for the devil." "Well," she answered, "you holler for yours, and I'll holler for mine."

From the book "A Bicentennial History of DeKalb County, Tennessee."

Confederate Histories

War Journal of Wm. H. Mott Major Mott's journal of life in the Army of Tennessee, with details on the evacuation of Nashville.

Allison's Cavalry History of Allison's Tennessee Cavalry Squadron with rosters of companies A, B, & C.

Huwald's Battery page History of Huwald's Tennessee Mountain Howitzer Battery, with a letter by Capt. Huwald, describing the battles around Chattanooga,TN.

9th Tennessee Cavalry page History of Ward's 9th Tennessee Cavalry Regiment with several photographs.

Gen. John Hunt Morgan page History of Gen. Morgan in Middle Tennessee with several photos. Excerpts from the book "A Bicentennial History of Dekalb County, Tennessee" by Thomas Gray Webb.

Roderick: The General's Mount Nathan Bedford Forrest's faithful horse Roderick.

Pomp Kersey, Tennessee Guerilla The Tennessee Division's page on the young Confederate Guerilla.

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